31 August, 2007

Alright, sorry for this late update. Sam's tag in the main blog =)...

"sam said...

Good day!
It's sunny now, hope that it stays this way. Smile to the weather, have a nice day and JIA YOU!

31 August, 2007 14:04

sam said...

I'm doing fine.
See ya Sunday.

31 August, 2007 14:09 "


MLB Publicity Blog @ 17:22

30 August, 2007

Well, I've tried out Yam's suggestion (thanks!) and "print screen-and-crop" the pictures at Yes933 website. Plus some of those pictures at Channel U website, I gathered these are all the pictures I got for the gig at Millenia walk. Click on the thumbnail for bigger image (~.~ which is not that big actually)...well, hope it works =)...

Credits: Yes 933(1&2), Channel U


MLB Publicity Blog @ 03:15

Nic is tired..
milubing | 30 August, 2007 01:06

i said wrongly...itz not a holiday for me yet...(change topic first).
well...on stage we give all we can give...and when we saw that you guyz stayed though it rained...it was realli touching...looking tru the vids..i realised tat i was more "giving" in the performance that day...guess that was my way of saying "i feel bad that you guyz are under the rain"...this week's gonna be tough...camp shows everyday from thurs onwards including sat n sun..coming hme at 11pm (or later) till nxt monday or tues...oh well..just gota last tru the final last part of the post NDP events n stuffs then it be easier...just hang in there nic...it'll soon be easier to breath.
for now...i'm a machine that has no time for servicing (rest).
Thanks for making our performance worthwhile...by listening to the band...listening to us..tats all that matters rite now...the rain didnt drown the screams.


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MLB Publicity Blog @ 01:53

29 August, 2007

Thanks meikian for informing. you can see a lot of pictures on the street rock concert here(part 1) or here (part 2). Of course you can see a lot of Milubing's pictures. But they post the pictures in the form of "Adobe Flash player" so I don't think there's a way for you to save the pictures. Or if there is, please enlightened me? Thanks =D, enjoy viewing =D


MLB Publicity Blog @ 23:51

迷路兵、洪俊扬、陈孟奇 入围933金曲奖!


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上星期六(8月25日),第13届【新加坡金曲奖】的造势活动-Y.E.S.93.3FM 醉新龙虎榜街头爆唱会在Millenia Walk热烈举行。2小时的演唱会,在倾盆大雨中掀开序幕,歌迷的热情毫不减弱,为献唱的歌手大声喝彩,现场热力四射。

出席的歌手包括国宝孙燕姿、【绝对SuperBand】冠军迷路兵、【绝对SuperStar2】女冠军陈迪雅、台湾创作歌手庭竹, 和FM Pop Music School的黄韵仁、伍家辉和黄星魁。除了众歌手的精彩演唱, Y.E.S. 93.3FM也公布了今年金曲奖的本地奖项入围名单

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为爆唱会开场的迷路兵不受大雨影响, 为歌迷带来一连串的劲爆好歌, 其中一首《泪》成功入围 “最佳本地作词” 奖。迷路兵也以今年推出的首张专辑入围了“最佳本地歌手”奖项。

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身材娇小、声量无限的SuperStar陈迪雅演绎3首男歌手的歌曲, 包括方大同的《苏丽珍》, 曹格的《背叛》, 和林俊杰的《杀手》;其中《杀手》入围 “最佳本地作曲”。

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台湾新人庭竹人美歌甜, 是才华横溢的创作歌手. 在台上卖力展现才华的庭竹自弹自唱首张专辑 [雨声] 中的主打歌 --《小女人》、《喜欢你》和《现在的你》。

本地音乐人才黄韵仁与门下的伍家辉和黄星魁演唱首首动听旋律, 让全场观众听得入神。

歌坛天后孙燕姿是爆唱会的压轴好戏。除了与伍家辉合唱本地电影《881》主题曲《一人一半》, 燕姿也陆续唱了新专辑主打歌《逆光》, 以及入围 ”最佳本地作词” 的《我怀念的》。激情奔放的 ”燕姿迷” 台下非常投入,陶醉不已, 还点燃烟花棒为偶像加油打气。

另外, 原本入围 ”最佳本地歌手” 的孙燕姿也宣布今年将退出该奖项, 并表示希望以颁奖人身份出席“新加坡金曲奖”。依照新加坡金曲奖专业评审的初选成绩,【绝对SuperStar】男亚军洪俊杨将成功入围 “最佳本地歌手” 奖项。

【新加坡金曲奖2007】音乐颁奖典礼将于10月27日(星期六),晚上8点, 在新加坡室内体育馆举行。


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最佳本地歌手 (Best Local Artiste)

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林俊杰/ 西界

最佳本地作词 (Best Local Lyrics)


雨天/小寒/孙燕姿/ MY STORY YOUR SONG 经典全纪录
障眼法/小寒/蔡健雅/ T TIME 新歌+精选
错了再错/ 陈佳明/张栋梁/王子

最佳本地作曲 (Best Local Music Composition)

tan meng qi hagen.jpg

杀手/林俊杰/林俊杰/ 西界

Source: http://u.mediacorptv.com/storydetail.aspx?Editorial_ID=628&SubCategoryID=20


MLB Publicity Blog @ 22:46

28 August, 2007

"weiqi said...

In skool now doing my hmwk...everybody jiayo in all u do... ;)

28 August, 2007 15:41"

Weiqi jia you too =D!


MLB Publicity Blog @ 15:52

milubing | 28 August, 2007 15:02


MLB 4th Family Reunion

Date: 2nd Sept 2007, Sunday
Time: 12pm-2pm
Venue: Toa Payoh Garden
Cost: $2 per person

Please kindly make your way down to one of the following venues on the specified dates to register and make payment.

31st August 2007, Friday : 5.30pm - 7pm @ Raffles City Burger King
1st September 2007, Saturday : 2pm - 4pm @ Woodlands Causeway Point Burger King

Look out for table with MLB's debut album.

We hope that all who attend can have an equal chance to interact with MLB, as time is limited. Therefore,please take note of the following:

*Please do not bring any autographing materials [pens & markers/autograph book/albums etc] on that day so that the session will not turn into an 'autograph session' and thus cause lesser time for all to interact with MLB.

*There'll be time set aside for phototaking, so cameras are allowed.

Hope that all will abide by the rules so that everyone can have an enjoyable time at the gathering. Thank You!

Any queries can be directed to milubing.fc@gmail.com.

Gathering Comm.



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MLB Publicity Blog @ 15:15


1. 年度专辑大奖
2. 最佳专辑制作奖
3. 最佳单曲制作奖
4. 最佳本地作词奖
5. 最佳本地作曲奖
6. 最佳本地歌手奖

7. 最佳演绎男歌手奖
8. 最佳演绎女歌手奖
9. 最佳组合奖
10. 最佳乐团奖
11. 最佳新人奖
12. 最佳创作歌手奖



1. 933醉心龙虎榜 年度10大金曲
2. 933醉心龙虎榜 榜上风光奖
3. 933醉心龙虎榜 停榜最久单曲奖





1. 亚洲传媒大奖
2. 年度人气大奖
3. 年度全方位艺人奖
4. 年度舞台魅力奖


Source: http://www.singaporehitawards.sg

Let's wish Milubing good luck =D~~!


MLB Publicity Blog @ 15:11

27 August, 2007

So sorry that I forgotten this. Thanks xiu jiejie for informing. It is the vidcast for MLB's performance in Street Rock Concert...=( They only uploaded the first part...

Thanks "kpo" for the advise, you can view the video using quicktime player. Download quicktime player here, then just click "free download now" then follow the instructions to install =)...


MLB Publicity Blog @ 23:59


Articles provided by Xiu@MLB media publications
Source: 1) The Straits Times - 25 August 2007 2) Lime - September 2007


Our Sam had a call-in interview with 就是万人迷 this morning. Thanks Xiu jiejie for uploading it to "Power Lah" music and videos blog =)...

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MLB Publicity Blog @ 15:51